Saturday, June 25, 2011


I have continued my pondering on what beauty really means...

A very interesting definition of the word was found in It said:

"the quality present in a thing or person that gives intense pleasure or deep satisfaction to the mind, whether arising from sensory manifestations (as shape, color, sound, etc.), a meaningful design or pattern, or something else (as a personality in which high spiritual qualities are manifest)."


The important words in this definition are: pleasure, satisfaction, mind, sensory, meaningful, and spiritual.....these are the qualities that must be present for us to find BEAUTY.....

As we began contemplating these ideas, my friend Charlotte Jorgansen, Black Belt Nia Instructor and I developed some concepts for a workshop to help you find the Beauty Within....I am hoping she will be a guest writer in the next post....Stay tuned to hear from her and to get more info on our upcoming workshops!

what is your idea of beauty? how do you attain it? When do you feel most beautiful? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Becoming Spiritually Beautiful....

I have a confession to make: I had botox..... Of course what I found out is that for the best results, I should have started about 20 years ago!

The night after I had it done, and after I read a long list of potentially harmful side effects, I was lamenting to my husband. How could I, "Miss Organic Natural" cavalierly done this. Now I had botulism coursing through my veins.....Scary thought. What had possessed me?

On thinking back, I reflected that my husband and I were going on a vacation of a lifetime with a dear couple whom we hadn't seen in awhile. I wanted to look my best. Makes sense.....but there was something deeper.

As I did some soul-searching, I asked myself: Was it that I deep down inside do not feel good enough, thin enough, young enough or pretty enough....Sadly, apparently, I do not feel like I am "enough", particularly as I age.

Granted our culture is a culture of youth and beauty, and the media's idea of beauty is in our face constantly.... but that's society's perception. I decided I had to learn more about what my definition of beauty really is.

As luck would have it, I spotted a copy of a little book - believe it or not at the grocery store...The title? "Becoming Spiritually Beautiful: Seeing Yourself From God's Perspective".

In this precious book, the author Sharon Jaynes tells us how to experience a "faith lift"...There is one pivotal point in becoming spiritually beautiful: We must spend time with the Beauty Artist - God....Ms Jaynes states: "Being a reflection of His glory is a direct result of spending time in His presence embraced in His love and enveloped in His grace.'

She poses the question: Have you ever noticed how couples after being together a long time begin to look alike? The same is true with God....I will begin to resemble Him the more time I spend with Him. That's an exciting thought...doesn't cost any money and there are no terrible side effects. I think that's the beauty treatment I really need. I certainly don't fault anyone for doing whatever they can and want to do to make themselves feel better about themselves....But I have made a big decision: to go to the Author of all Beauty for my worth...

What do you think? Can 2 Corinthians 3:18 really become real if we spend time looking in His mirror. "We who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into His likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit"

I'm gonna try it!

To find out more about Stephanie, visit her website or to schedule an appointment, call her at 210-287-4002.

Thursday, June 09, 2011


I recently gave a talk to an Adult Children of Alcoholics group. It was a very lovely group and Im so glad I did. I happened to pick the topic of Emotional Sobriety and is often the case, I learned a lot while researching for this topic. The obvious things of course about emotional sobriety are that it involves the ability to self-soothe and regulate emotions.

Now you're probably thinking "Easier said than done!"...right? That's what I thought. Then I realized that the ability to regulate emotions requires one very important ingredient: A functional adult self on board.

For many people who are children of dysfunctional families (which involves alcoholic, mentally ill and/or narcissistic parents) this is what their recovery is all about - developing that Inner Loving Parent or Functional Adult Self (word coined by Pia Mellody and the Meadows).... The Functional Adult Self has the ability to affirm rather than criticize the self and to set respectful boundaries. Recovery groups like ACOA are very good at supporting its members in devloping the skills needed to do this.

Are you able to affirm yourself and to set boundaries? If not, you may need help developing your Functional Adult Self. I would encourage you to find a support group and/or therapist to help you with this very important task....

For more information about Stephanie, visit or give her a call at 210-287-4002 to schedule an appointment.