Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Recently one of the revered women at church challenged us to do a bible word study on trust...I did it and it proved to be very, very valuable. If you look up what trust brings, you'll find a treasure trove...Trust does indeed bring deliverance, protection, grace, healing, mercy and love.

Easier said than done, I know...but it does many times boil down to a decision. I may not feel safe or trusting, but I can know I am safe and choose to trust. I can make a decision to turn my will and my current and future life over to God and let go...I can trust in His loving arms.

Sometimes for those of us recovering from addiction or trauma learning to trust is our biggest hurdle. The woman at church said something important, "God is getting us to the point where we can trust what we don't yet see." I like this idea....I can choose to trust and see what happens. Why don't you join me? Just for today, let's make a decision to trust in a God who loves us and wants far more for us than we could ever dream or imagine....(Is. 42:16)

Following HIM
Stephanie Ecke

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